Sunday, June 23, 2013

facebook Addict

Sunday, June 16, 2013

قناة السنة النبوية

Google lancar belon udara bekal internet

Gergasi enjin carian internet, Google melepaskan sejumlah belon udara panas dilengkapi pencawang internet ke stratosfera Bumi bagi bagi menyalurkan perkhidmatan dalam talian ke seluruh dunia.
Mengambil masa 18 bulan untuk dibangunkan, pelancaran projek rahsia itu dibuat di New Zealand kelmarin.
Sebagai permulaan, sekitar 50 isi rumah mula menerima perkhidmatan internet yang dipancarkan daripada belon berisi gas helium tersebut.
Belon-belon udara panas itu mampu terbang pada ketinggian 19.2 kilometer dari Bumi.
Google berharap pihaknya dapat melancarkan beribu-ribu belon udara panas itu bagi menyalurkan perkhidmatan internet ke kawasan pedalaman di seluruh dunia.
Usaha tersebut yang dinamakan Projek Loon, kata Google, diharap dapat mengurangkan jurang digital antara 2.2 bilion pengguna internet semasa dan sekitar 4.8 bilion lagi yang tidak memiliki kemudahan itu.
Menurut Google, belon udara panas yang bertindak sebagai pencawang itu juga membolehkan negara rantau Asia Tenggara dan Afrika menyalurkan perkhidmatan internet pada kos lebih murah tanpa perlu membina kabel fiber optik.
"Ini projek besar, matlamat kami juga besar," kata ketua inisiatif tersebut, Mike Cassidy.
Dilengkapi panel solar, Belon-belon udara itu dikawal oleh stesen kawalan yang dibina pada jarak selang 100 kilometer.
Setiap belon tersebut dapat menyalurkan perkhidmatan internet meliputi kawasan seluas 2020 kilometer persegi atau dua kali ganda saiz bandar raya New York di Amerika Syarikat.
Belon udara panas itu mampu memancarkan isyarat internet ke kawasan pergunungan, rimba dan lembah tanpa mengira bentuk permukaan bumi. - AP


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

AdwCleaner - FREEWARE

We all love freeware, but someone has to pay the bills. That means sponsors who want you to try their products. You can decline optional downloads, but every now and then, unwelcome programs appear. The answer? More freeware, of course! Xplode's AdwCleaner is portable freeware that targets and removes adware, toolbars, browser hijackers, and other potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). It's lightweight and fast, making it ideal for quick, regular preventative maintenance. It's Windows 8-ready, too.

We extracted and ran AdwCleaner on an ordinary Windows 7 PC with typical protection. AdwCleaner's logo-dominated user interface is small and generally easy to figure out. The controls are limited to Search and Delete buttons, though an unobtrusive Help feature in the upper-left corner accesses not only the program's options, which basically let you remove browsers and other items from the scan, but also the developer's site, where you'll find more information about AdwCleaner and PUPs, too. Clicking the Uninstall button completely removes this portable program from your system. That's a great feature if you're disinfecting a computer for a friend or relative since it leaves no traces behind, but it also deletes the executable file, so we suggest simply closing the window when you run AdwCleaner at home. When you're cleaning someone else's PC, simply copy AdwCleaner from your USB drive to the host machine and hit Uninstall when you're done.

We clicked Search, and a progress bar tracked AdwCleaner's scan. The scan finished quickly and turned up a small litter of PUPs whose pedigree AdwCleaner listed in a text file. While none was a serious threat, we were only too happy to send the whole bunch packing. AdwCleaner required a reboot to finish the job, which is usually a good sign, because a reboot is often required to thoroughly purge persistent PUPs, not to mention adware, toolbars, and other unwanted yet hard-to-eradicate software. But before and after we cleaned up after the PUPs, we also ran some similar freeware cleaners. AdwCleaner found things the others missed but also missed some minor items other tools found. That was more than enough reason to add AdwCleaner to our regularly scheduled maintenance.

Delta Search-malware

Delta is a program that offers a web search engine ( and toolbar which are being promoted via other free programs, and once installed on your computer, they will hijack your browser homepage and replace your default search engine.
Futhermore, this program will display ads and sponsored links in your search results, and may colect search terms from your search queries.

how to remove?

read here 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

PC saiz meja kopi

Cukup besar untuk memuatkan empat orang dan skrin bertindak balas dengan 10 jari menyentuh pada masa yang sama

Lenovo memperkenalkan komputer peribadi (PC) bersaiz meja kopi yang berfungsi seperti tablet gergasi dan membolehkan empat orang menggunakannya serentak. 
IdeaCentre Horizon Table PC boleh dikatakan sebagai komputer interpersonal pertama. Sekali pandang, ia kelihatan seperti mesin semua-dalam-satu biasa seperti iMac, iaitu dengan skrin 27 inci bersama Windows 8 dan ia boleh diletakkan secara menegak di atas meja. 

Selain itu anda boleh meletakkannya di lantai untuk bermain permainan Monopoly. Ia cukup besar untuk memuatkan empat orang di sekitarnya, dan skrin boleh bertindak balas dengan 10 jari menyentuh pada masa yang sama. 

Skrinnya bersamaan dengan saiz lapan iPads yang disambungkan dan seberat 6.8 kilogram. Ia seolah-olah sama seperti TV berskrin rata. 

Pada demonstrasi di CES baru-baru ini, gambar dan video boleh diputarkan dengan jari. Penyebaran lima jari serentak pada skrin membersihkan paparan berselerak manakala dengan menguncupkan kelima-lima jari akan mengembalikan paparan gambar dan video semula. 
Lenovo berkata PC Meja itu akan dijual bermula musim panas ini pada harga RM 5 ribu lebih atau kira-kira AS$1,699.



Saturday, June 1, 2013


Vegas™ Pro 12 is an integrated, forward-thinking production environment designed for a new generation of creative professionals. Combining a familiar track-based timeline with hundreds of thoughtful workflow innovations, Vegas Pro 12 is a refreshing, modern approach to post-production. Supporting more formats, more workflows, and more creative control than ever before, Vegas Pro 12 makes it easy to deliver your message and express your artistic vision.


Mereka telah meninggal dunia namun tulisan mereka masih hidup.........